Work-based training departments
Information and guidance for STP, ETP and HSST work-based training departments.
An overview of the accreditation process
A summary of the whole accreditation process for all programmes.
How do I express an interest in hosting a trainee?
A brief summary of what you will need to do to express an interest in hosting a STP, HSST or ETP trainee in your department.
STP Accreditation (work-based)
Information and guidance on requirements for STP accreditation.
Accredited STP work-based training departments
Here are departments currently approved by the School to deliver training for the Scientist Training Programme.
Accredited STP Consortiums
Here are details of the consortiums currently approved by the School to deliver training for the Scientist Training Programme.
HSST Accreditation
Information and guidance on requirements for HSST accreditation.
Accredited HSST work-based training centres
Here are departments currently approved by the School to deliver training for the Higher Specialist Scientist Training Programme.
Accredited HSST Consortiums
Here are details of the consortiums currently approved by the School to deliver training for the Higher Specialist Scientist Training programme.
ETP Endorsement
Information and guidance on requirements for ETP Endorsement.
Endorsed ETP work-based training departments
Here are departments currently approved by the School to deliver training for the Echocardiography Training Programme.
Example application packs for work-based providers
Here are examples of the forms you will need to complete when applying for accreditation, reaccreditation or endorsement on our training programmes.
Information if you are a department that is already accredited and will need to apply for reaccreditation.
Notify us about any changes
Guidance about significant changes that you should report to the School.
Higher education institutions (HEIs)
Information and guidance for HEIs on becoming an accredited academic provider.
Accreditation for higher education institutions (HEIs)
Information for HEI’s on how to become accredited for delivering the academic element to our programmes.
Notify us about changes to an accredited programme
ETP, HSST, PTP and STP forms for HEIs to use when informing us of changes to a programme.
List of accredited higher education institutions
List of all the universities currently accredited to deliver the academic elements of our programmes.
Useful resources
A variety of guidance and resources for work-based departments and HEIs.
Accreditation process webinars
Our webinars will provide you with useful information and sign posting to help you complete the accreditation/endorsement application.
Useful resources
Here are some useful templates that you can use to help you prepare for your trainee and help with monitoring progress while your trainee is on the programme.
FAQs about accreditation and quality of training
Useful information to commonly asked questions relation to accreditation and quality of training.