FAQs about accreditation and quality of training

Useful information to commonly asked questions relation to accreditation and quality of training.

What if I am new to accreditation and do not have all the evidence for example a training plan?

You could try and buddy up with a department that is already accredited and delivering training to share best practice. Please speak with the accreditation team who can provide you with support and guidance through the process.

What do I do if there is change in the department that will affect training?

Please see the section notifying us of any changes which explains what you will need to do.

What do I do if the quality of the training in my department is not what I expected?

In the first instance always speak to your training officer to try and resolve the issue, you may also want to speak to your Freedom to Speak Up Guardian. If you need any further assistance, you could contact the accreditation team england.nshcs.accreditation@nhs.net.

What if the trainee is not working to the required standard?

If the trainee is not working to a satisfactory standard, you should speak to the trainee to find out if there is anything you can do to support them. They may have additional needs that have not been identified previously which may need to be taken into account. There should be a clearly identified training plan with associated timescales which is adhered to. If there any ongoing concerns, please contact the School on england.nshcs.accreditation@nhs.net.

What do I do if the academic part of the programmes is not going well?

Speak to your course tutors for additional support and guidance. If matters have not been resolved please contact the accreditation team on england.nshcs.accreditation@nhs.net.

As a HEI, how do I report changes to programmes?

Please complete the HEI change notification form and return it to the accreditation team.

What are the common issues highlighted by the HSST annual review of progression?

See our useful guidance on how you can be prepared for some of the common issues highlighted by the annual review of progression.

Last updated on 12th March 2024