FAQs for managing your portfolio in OneFile
Please complete and send us the ‘Request New Training Officer/Supervisor’ form which you can find under the ‘Forms’ tab on your ‘My Portfolio’ page in OneFile.
You can nominate a new assessor when you are about to send a submission for sign-off in OneFile. Click on ‘change assessor’ and then select ‘invite new assessor’ from the drop-down list. This is in the signature area at the foot of your new submission. When you search by email address, if the assessor is found, simply select their name.
If the assessor is not found, please fill in the small nomination form. Your training officer will then receive a task to approve the nomination. Once approved, the nominated assessor will receive an automated email from OneFile asking them to accept their nomination. When accepted, they will receive their login details from OneFile automatically. Please ensure you have given your new assessor the links to assessor guidance https://nshcs.hee.nhs.uk/onefile/how-to-guidance-and-videos-for-stp-ptp-etp-asp-assessors-using-onefile/ as OneFile’s login email will not provide this.
These are university-based modules and do not appear in your workplace portfolio.
It is likely that you did not submit the required number of work-based assessments. In order for them to fully count towards module completion, you must create separate submissions for DOPS, OCEs and CBDs.
For example, if a module requires 3 case-based discussions and 3 DOPS and/or OCEs, to fully complete the module and have it signed off by your training officer, you must make six separate submissions, as follows:
- 3 individual CBD submissions
- any combination of 3 individual DOPS and/or OCEs
You should not select ‘Competency’ or ‘Training Activity’ as your submission type when submitting evidence for a CBD, DOPS or OCE, as a competency/training activity submission will not count towards work-based assessment progress.
Similarly, for trainees on the pre-2022 curriculum (and Clinical Microbiology trainees on pre-2023 curriculum), when uploading your Multi-Source Feedback documents into the Multi-Source Feedback module, you should only use an Multi-Source Feedback submission type.
If you are training in a specialty with module options, please send us the ‘Optional Module Confirmation’ form which you can find under the ‘Forms’ tab on your ‘My Portfolio’ page.
If you are missing modules and you do not train in a specialty with module options, please contact us immediately on england.digital.nshcs@nhs.net indicating the module(s) you believe are missing from your portfolio.
Let us know your chosen specialty using the ‘Confirmation of Specialism’ form, which you can find under the ‘Forms’ tab on your ‘My Portfolio’ page.
Multi-Source Feedback’s and training plans are not explicit requirements to complete the HSST programme. The School has included these in your OneFile portfolios for your convenience. Anything added or signed off in these modules will not count towards completion. Your portfolio progress and completion is determined by your ‘evidence of activity’ submissions within your Standards of Proficiency.
Yes, you can link your two accounts together. Watch this short video which explains what you need to do.
FAQs for managing submissions in OneFile
This happens when you use the assessor nomination feature to send multiple submissions to the same assessor. When the assessor signs off the first submission, they become unlinked from your profile. Ask your training officer to unlock your submission back to you and re-send it to your assessor. We have created a short video to guide them through unlocking a submission.
It is most likely that your assessor did not correctly sign off your submission. In most cases this means the tick-box(es) at the top of your submission, where you indicate the competency/assessment relating to this submission, was left unticked by the assessor. Please ask your training officer to unlock your submission, so that it can be re-assessed with the correct boxes ticked. We recommend that you forward these guidance materials to your assessor.
Video: How to sign off competencies and send competencies for resubmission (7:30)
Video: How to sign off observational assessments (DOPS/OCE/CBD) (9:11)
Video: How to respond to a submission in OneFile (1:46)
Infographic: How to respond to a submission (JPEG)
Some of the language used around the work-based assessments has been updated since these videos were recorded. Competencies are now called ‘training activities’, and OCEs are now ‘Observed Communication Events’. We have also published standards for carrying out of work-based assessments.
In order to delete your submission your training officer will first need to unlock your submission back to you. You can then delete the draft by clicking the delete button at the bottom of the submission.
OneFile does not presently offer two separate sections to add evidence of two cases for discussion. Trainees should add all evidence for both cases either in the free text area of the submission, or in the file upload area, clearly indicating which evidence is ‘Case A’ and which evidence is ‘Case B’.
Assessors should indicate in their feedback which case was selected for discussion. Further guidance on work-based assessment is available.
Only your trainer(s) can unlock submissions. We have created a short video to guide them through unlocking a submission.
Need further support? Submit a request to our help desk at england.digital.nshcs@nhs.net.