Useful information and guidance for STP trainers and assessors.
NSHCS training standards and expectations
The NSHCS training standards clearly lay out what is expected of trainers and provide training materials to support them in the role.
NSHCS training standards – trainer responsibilities
The NSHCS training standards and their associated support resources will help trainers to know how to work from best practice from the start.
About the Scientist Training Programme
Everything you need to know about the Scientist Training Programme.
Getting a trainee
This information is for employers who are considering employing an STP trainee, either through the in-service or direct entry route.
Guidance for working with the 2022 STP curricula
This guidance is aimed at training officers with a new trainee starting in September 2022 on the new STP curriculum.
Recordings of the ‘Planning for the new STP 2022 curriculum’ webinars
The webinars cover a range of topics relating to the new STP curriculum and are aimed at training officers with a new trainee starting in September 2022.
Guidance about the STP educational training support funding
Useful information for STP trainees and training officers about the educational training support funding.
Information and guidance about the assessment of your STP trainees.
The different methods of assessment
Across its university and work-based components, the STP makes significant assessment demands.
Changes to assessment
Find out more about the changes being introduced to the assessment of trainees on the new STP curricula.
NSHCS work-based assessment standards
The work-based assessment standards define how work-based assessments should be conducted and the responsibilities of trainees, trainers and assessors.
STP progression monitoring
All trainees commencing on the STP from 2023 onwards are subject to a new process to monitor their progress.
Recordings of the ‘Introduction to Assessment’ workshops
Watch this two part series on STP focused assessment, reflective writing, constructive feedback and questioning techniques.
The STP Final Year Assessment
Information on the STP Final Year Assessment for trainers with a trainee who started the programme from 2022 onwards.
The STP Final Year Assessment
The STP Final Year Assessment aims to ensure that trainees are safe to practise and ready to register as a Clinical Scientist.
STP Final Year Assessment dates
Important dates relating to the STP Final Year Assessment.
STP Final Year Assessment regulations
The STP Final Year Assessment operates under regulations and policies which set out the parameters for the assessment. It is recommended that trainees familiarise themselves with these parameters, in particular the timelines outlined by policies.
FAQs on the STP Final Year Assessment for trainers and assessors
Here are answers to some possible questions about the final year assessment relevant to trainers and assessors.
Specialty expert roles
There are a number of roles for speciality experts that are required to deliver the STP Final Year Assessment.
Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence (IACC)
Guidance on the Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence, the final assessment for trainees who started the programme before 2022 and Clinical Microbiology 2022 trainees.
IACC assessor briefing webinar
An important briefing for assessors taking part in the IACC.
IACC guidance for assessors
Essential guidance for assessors taking part in the IACC.
Guidance for assessors on using OneFile to access IACC portfolios
Guidance to help you through the steps involved in accessing IACC portfolios and evidence on OneFile.
Guidance on using eNetAssess for assessors
Guidance to help you through the steps involved in accessing, downloading and marking IACC critical reflections on eNetAssess.
Completion of the STP
Information and guidance about what is required for trainees to complete the Scientist Training Programme in a specific year.
STP Completion 2024
Information and guidance for STP trainees and training departments following the 2024 completion pathway.
STP Completion 2023
Information and guidance for STP trainees following the 2023 completion pathway.
STP Completion dates (all years)
Completion deadline dates for trainees on the Scientist Training Programme.
Important documents for STP completion (all years)
These are the documents you may need to refer to when completing on the Scientist Training Programme.
Guidance to help you become familiar with OneFile, the online e-portfolio.
OneFile webinar recordings
Watch the latest webinars for trainees, training officers and supervisors, on the different elements of OneFile.
How to guidance and videos for STP/ PTP/ ETP/ ASP training officers using OneFile
Get help with some of the common tasks in OneFile.
How to use the Turnitin Checker in OneFile – A guide for training officers and assessors
Familiarise yourself with the Turnitin feature in OneFile by following this guidance.
A variety of guidance and resources for you and your STP trainee to use during their time on the programme.
STP academic timetable dates – 2024 to 2025
General overview of when trainees are expected to attend lectures, either on campus or online.
FAQs on management of trainees for STP trainers
Here you will find answers to issues ranging from study leave to funding.
Online learning resources to support training for STP trainees
We've gathered together some online resources to help support your training. Take a look at what's available for your area.
Training for training officers
Training standards, guidance and online resources for STP training officers.
Training for STP trainers
Training standards, guidance and resources for STP training officers and assessors.