Shortlisting FAQs

Common questions and answers about STP shortlisting.

Do the shortlisters see the whole application?

Shortlisters will have access to the supporting information and education sections.

How are applications ranked based on the preferred locations?

Longlisted successful applications are reviewed by shortlisters against the requirements of the person specification. Successfully shortlisted applications are ranked using an algorithm within the Oriel system.

Does the same person read all the application questions or will they be sent to different shortlisters?

Yes, the application is considered independently by two shortlisters from the specialty you have applied to.

I’m a shortlisted reserve applicant when will I know if recruitment is finished?

Interviews are due to be concluded by the end of June 2024. Your status on Oriel will remain unchanged. In the unlikely event a post becomes vacant again we will contact you directly if you are the next reserve.

Are shortlisters able to see how many times we have applied?

No, shortlisters only see the education and supporting information of the application.