Offer process FAQs

Common questions and answers about the STP offer process.

Which hospital will I be based at?

Many Trusts/Organisations have different sites that you may need to work at. We recommend contacting the key contact to confirm this information, if it has not been confirmed on your offer letter/contract.

I need to relocate, how do I find accommodation?

We recommend you contact the Trust/Organisation to enquire if there is on-site hospital accommodation. If not, and your base site has been confirmed, you can contact letting agencies etc to enquire about accommodation. You will need a reference to confirm your employment which can be requested from the key contact/HR Department.

When is the start date?

The recommended start date is the 2 September 2024 but this may vary slightly. The start date is determined by the employing Trust/Organisation and is usually dependent on completion of local HR checks. The start date must be before the end of September.

When will I find out what I will be doing when I start the STP?

Your first day arrangements will be confirmed by the key contact/HR department usually once the pre-employment checks are complete. The department you will be working in will confirm your working requirements at departmental induction.

When is the STP induction?

The STP induction 2024 will be held online and consist of two half days on Tuesday 10 September 2024 and Wednesday 11 September 2024.


I have a holiday booked, what do I do?

Please inform the main contact at the Trust as soon as possible, to advise them of this.

When will I be paid and how do I find out about annual leave etc?

You will be employed by the Trust you will be working at. Your departmental induction will cover these queries and more.

When will I receive the offer letter and contract? 

This will be generated by the Trust/Organisation you will be working at during the STP.

When will my references be contacted? 

These will be checked by the employing organisation after you have accepted an offer onto the programme.

What is a sufficient reference?

The School do not request references.