FAQs on the STP Final Year Assessment for trainees

Here are answers to some possible questions about the final year assessment relevant to STP trainees.


Assessment dates

What if I’m not available for some or all of the dates of my expected sitting?

The STP Final Year Assessment is an essential part of your programme. You need to pass the assessment to complete the programme. You need to be available for all of the working days within the assessment sitting window. You will be assigned a specific day and time to attend your assessment within this window. However, in unforeseen circumstances we may need to reschedule your assessment within this window. You can find more information on mitigating circumstances which impact your attendance at the assessment in the STP Final Year Assessment regulations as well as what will happen if you don’t attend the assessment.

When will I know when my exact assessment time and date is?

Your assessment date and time will be on a working day within the assessment sitting window dates listed. We will aim to give you as much notice as possible of your assessment date and time. We cannot tell you when we will be able to share this with you at the moment. When we do have this information available, we will get in touch with you using your preferred email address, so please make sure you notify us if this changes.

Can I defer my assessment until another time?

The STP Final Year Assessment is an essential part of your programme. You cannot defer your assessment. The STP Final Year Assessment regulations provide more information if you experience circumstances that impact your ability to complete the assessment (mitigating circumstances) or your training (exceptional extenuating circumstances).

Why isn't the assessment at the end of the programme?

For trainees following the normal timelines for the programme who will sit in the summer of their final year, the STP Final Year Assessment is scheduled as near to the end of the programme as is practically possible. Successful completion of the assessment is required to complete the programme, which for most trainees will be in September. Scheduling the assessment in July ensures that we have enough time to provide the result of your assessment to you before you complete the programme. If you are unsuccessful in the STP Final Year Assessment this also gives you some time to review and plan for a resit while you are still on the programme.


Assessment format

Can you give me more details about the assessment? How many scenarios will there be?

The total assessment time will be 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours and will include a number of scenarios. We have provided the information we are currently able to share on the format of the assessment. We are continuing our preparation and planning to deliver the assessment in July 2025 and this includes confirming some details of the assessment format. We appreciate it is frustrating when you have questions we haven’t yet answered. We will share more details as soon as we can.

What platform will the assessment be delivered on and how do I get access?

The assessment will be delivered online, using a purpose-built online assessment platform. The platform has already been used extensively for assessment of healthcare professionals in NHS Trusts and is therefore accessible through most Trust IT systems. Before the assessment we will provide you with thorough details about the platform and support you to log in, test your system and use the platform.


Preparing for the assessment

Do I need to have completed all the other elements of the programme before I sit the assessment?

You don’t need to have completed all of your work-based training or your MSc before you sit the assessment. Scenarios presented to you in the assessment will sample the curriculum so you should be prepared to respond to scenarios on any area from within your curriculum.

Will I need to prepare or submit any work for the assessment in advance?

You don’t need to submit anything in advance of the assessment. Scenarios presented to you in the assessment will sample the curriculum so you should be prepared to respond to scenarios on any area in your curriculum.

Will there be an opportunity to sit a mock assessment?

We will provide more information so that you can get a feel for how the assessment will work and see the platform in action before you sit your assessment. We will add this information to the website before the first sitting of the assessment in July 2025 to allow you time to prepare. Completing your work-based assessments will help you to prepare for the STP Final Year Assessment. Your work-based assessments will help you develop the skills and applied knowledge of your practice needed for the assessment and also provide experience of completing ‘in-person’ assessments where you are required to respond to scenarios and talk through your rationale for your actions.

I have specific support needs to undertake the assessment; how do I request these?

You can request a reasonable adjustment to the assessment to support you. There is more information on reasonable adjustments in the STP Final Year Assessment regulations. Please take note of the timelines for application for reasonable adjustments to make sure your request can be accommodated.


During the assessment

Can I have information with me in the assessment?

In the assessment you will be asked to describe what you would do in typical scenarios that you may face as a newly-registered Clinical Scientist. The focus of the assessment is on how you would behave in that scenario and what you would do to manage it, to ensure you are safe, professional and ready to practise. You will be provided with all the information you need to provide a response to the scenario, in the pre-reading you are shown immediately before each ‘station’. It will be up to you to assess, analyse and apply this information to describe how you would manage the situation. The assessment does not simply focus on your recall of knowledge so having additional information available to you in the assessment may not be helpful to you.

We are continuing our preparation and planning to deliver the assessment in July 2025 and will confirm if you can have additional information available to you during the assessment.

Can I take notes or write things down during the assessment?

It may be possible to take notes or write things down in the assessment.  We are continuing our preparation and planning to deliver the assessment in July 2025 and will confirm if you can take notes as soon as we can.

Do I have to do anything to access the pre-reading or move between stations? Can I get lost in the circuit?

Once you have logged into the platform we will be using to deliver the assessment, you do not have to do anything to move from one station to another. The platform will provide you with the right pre-reading at the right time and move you into the right station with the assessor. You cannot get lost. We will provide more information so that you can get a feel for how the assessment will work and see the platform in action before you sit your assessment. We will add this information to the website before the first sitting of the assessment in July 2025 to allow you time to prepare.

Will I be assessed by someone I already know; how are conflicts of interest managed?

As outlined in the STP Final Year Assessment regulations, we will endeavour to ensure assessors are independent and you are not assessed by your current or past Training Officer(s). For smaller specialties in particular, it may be the case that you will be assessed by someone from your specialty community that you already know, or someone who has been involved in your work-based training or MSc.

I have specific support needs to undertake the assessment. How do I request these?

You can request a reasonable adjustment to the assessment to support you. There is more information on reasonable adjustments in the STP Final Year Assessment regulations. Please take note of the timelines for application for reasonable adjustment to make sure your request can be accommodated.


Assessment outcomes

How and when will I get my results?

We have outlined the indicative timelines for receiving your results for each sitting of the assessment. We will endeavour to get your results to you as soon as possible while making sure due process is followed. We will send your results to your preferred email address, so please make sure you notify us if this changes.



What happens if I fail the assessment?

If you are not successful at your 1st attempt, you will have an opportunity to resit the assessment. The regulations which guide resit opportunities are available in the STP Final Year Assessment regulations. If you need to resit, your programme is not extended, and your resit will be completed ‘off programme’. Your programme completion date will remain the same and you will need to complete all other elements of the programme as expected. Additional funding is not available for trainees who need to resit the assessment.

What do I have to do for a resit assessment?

All attempts at the assessment are completed in the same format. Resit opportunities follow the same format as the 1st sit assessment. The regulations which guide resit opportunities are available in the STP Final Year Assessment regulations.