First and foremost support should always start with self-care. You must look after and take responsibility for your own wellbeing and training, and seek advice and support early where needed. Clinical or medical advice from appropriate sources such as your GP should also be considered if appropriate/useful. You should take a pro active approach to your training and your own health and wellbeing.
Take a look at our ‘Healthcare Science self-care handbook‘ for further information to help you during your training.
- GP
- counselling
- occupational health
- diet, exercise, sleep
- wellbeing resources
- peer support/trainee networks
- training plans
- SMART objectives
- regular meetings with training officer/supervisor
- open, honest communications
- organised, pro-active
Your employer, usually represented by your training officer/supervisor or line manager, should be the first port of call for a variety of reasons. They are responsible for the day to day welfare of their trainee, management of human resources and employment policies, and delivery of training. They have a duty of care to support any wellbeing or training issues as they arise and it is important that regular, open and honest communication is maintained throughout the training.
Further details are available on your workplace support.
Employment and wellbeing
- HR policies, support
- contract of employment
- occupational health
- ‘Freedom to Speak Up Guardian’
- local education support
- salary and non-pay funding
- employee assistance programme
- disability support
- training plans and rotations
- regular supervision
- mentor
- ‘Train the Trainer’
- training quality
- progression reviews and support
Your University is available to support you with any academic related issues or if your wellbeing is likely to affect your ability to engage with the academic programme. All Universities have their own processes for requesting changes or managing issues as they arise. It is always helpful if you connect early with the programme leads and link them in with the workplace supervisor/training officer to ensure optimal communications and support. All trainees registered with the Universities can access the student support services.
Further details are available on your University support.
- academic teaching
- academic supervision
- academic assessment
- academic award
- student support services
- wellbeing
- learning needs analysis
- disability support
National School of Healthcare Science
The School has a wide range of responsibilities during your training. They are principally available to provide advice, signposting, support and guidance on training, and health and wellbeing matters impacting on trainee progress. This is done through the Training Programme Directors, the Training Support Team, the Accreditation Team and others. All matters relating to training support are dealt with confidentially and trainees are encouraged to raise issues or queries early in order to receive timely advice and support.
Further details are available on how the School will support you during your training.
National School
- changes to training
- extention, deferral, step off, career break
- statutory leave
- transfer, early employment
- review and support for progression in training
- advice, support and signposting – wellbeing/training
- accreditation, quality of training
- scientist advice
- assessment of trainees
- completion of programmes
- certification
- trainee and other stakeholder networks
- education/’Train the Trainer’
- recruitment to programmes
Commissioning organisations
The commissioning organisations have the role of agreeing and funding the training and will send funding to the individual employers via the relevant education contracts. Employers are responsible for managing that funding in accordance with the agreed education contract and for ensuring that it is available to contribute to your training. This includes any non pay activities such as travel and accommodation requirements for your academic programme or other educational opportunities.
We do not manage any financial aspect of the programme and any queries regarding funding should be made to the relevant commissioner or employer. For trainees not funded by the NHS, all financial matters should be referred to their employer.
- expressions of interest
- funding
- salary
- non-pay
- training contribution
Online resources to help with anxiety and mental health issues
There are many charities that offer online support to help you in a crisis. Click this link for further details on some of those resources .
The NHS mental health services also has information available on how to access support from your local mental health service. There is also information about your local therapy and counselling service.
You can also take a look at this NHS information on student stress which has some self-help tips on dealing with stress and spotting the signs on when to get help.