Follow-up from the Midterm Review of Progression

The School will follow up as informed by the review evidence, comments/concerns/issues highlighted on the evaluation reports and outcome decision.


Below are some examples of follow up from the Midterm Review of Progression.

  • Actions from trainee and Training Officer relating to the training plan and/or Multi-Source Feedback.
  • Actions from trainee relating to engagement/progress on academic component/s.
  • A non-compliance form to be completed by trainee and/or Training Officer if they have not engaged with the Midterm Review of Progression. Non-compliance is viewed as a serious transgression and a justification will be required for review by the School and if appropriate, Healthcare Science commissioners.
  • Support and advice provided by the School to help address highlighted issues/concerns/barriers and which have not been possible to resolve locally in discussion with employer, Higher Education Institution (HEI) or other.
  • Actions requested of the employer/training department or HEI where evidence indicates justified serious issues with the provision of workplace training opportunities or academic components of the programme.
  • A request for trainee and/or Training Officers to attend a Midterm Review of Progression support meeting to agree actions to facilitate progression where evidence indicates serious concern/barriers relating to the trainee’s progress. The panel will be chaired by a Training Programme Director or other senior member of the School. Representatives from the University and/or the regional quality and commissioning team may also be in attendance depending on the issues identified.
  • In exceptional circumstances, with all possible avenues to facilitate progression exploited, if evidence demonstrates that the trainee is failing to progress as necessary, they will be supported to exit from the Scientist Training Programme.