Building your portfolio of evidence of activity in the workplace

Work-place based evidence should be based around real life scientific and clinical activities relevant to the workplace and specialty.


While on the programme you will build up a portfolio of evidence of activity in the workplace. This is mapped against the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS) Standards of Proficiency for Higher Specialist Scientists. Evidence is stored in the online e-portfolio and is reviewed by the School as part of a review of your progress. Ultimately it is used to inform progression and completion decisions.

Project work is especially valuable for generating evidence that is designed or focussed, where possible, to:

  • critically review the integrity of the underpinning science
  • apply academic learning
  • identify innovation and Research and Development opportunities
  • propose and introduce possible system changes
  • make explicit use of leadership skills and processes
  • link to the domains of Good Scientific Practice

Your evidence must demonstrate satisfactory achievement of the requirements of the curriculum, with respect to the practice, values and behaviours expected of a consultant clinical scientist. At this level it is not appropriate to require all trainees to complete identical workplace-based assessments, nor to define specific competencies. Instead, it is essential that there is flexibility for you and your supervisor to decide what evidence of activity and which types of assessment method are most appropriate for evidencing progress.

The AHCS Standards of Proficiency are the professional standards which every Higher Specialist Scientist must meet in order to become registered, and must continue to meet in order to maintain registration. By the time you are ready to exit the programme, you must have enough evidence in your e-portfolio to demonstrate that you have met all of the Standards of Proficiency.

For more details of the assessments required for FRCPath Parts 1 or 2, or for the DClinSci, please contact RCPath or MAHSE as appropriate.


Last updated on 5th June 2024