Your HSST curriculum

Your HSST programme is made up of a number of modules which detail the academic and work-based content, and, where appropriate, the assessment strategy for the module.


For all specialties the HSST curriculum delivers a mastery of higher scientific knowledge and clinical and scientific competence. During the 5 year programme you are required to contribute to innovation or improvement through service delivery, patient safety, care, public communication/outreach and quality management. The curriculum delivers both personal and professional development in:

  • high-level leadership skills
  • management
  • teaching
  • values, attitudes and behaviours

All of which are appropriate for higher professional practice in the NHS.

The HSST curricula was developed through joint working with:

  • the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
  • individual medical royal colleges
  • senior scientists
  • scientific professional bodies
  • employers and patients

Its underpinning academic doctoral programme was established through joint working with the Council for Healthcare Science in Higher Education and workforce commissioners.