FAQs about the HSST curriculum

Here you will find answers to some common questions about HSST curriculum.

What does the HSST curriculum deliver?

For all specialties the HSST curriculum delivers a mastery of higher scientific knowledge and clinical and scientific competence and has a requirement during the 5-year programme for the individual to contribute to innovation or improvement through service delivery, patient safety, care, public communication/outreach and quality management. It delivers both personal and professional development including high-level skills in leadership, management, teaching, and the values, attitudes and behaviours appropriate for higher professional practice in the NHS.

The HSST curricula has been developed through joint working with the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, individual medical royal colleges, senior scientists, scientific professional bodies, employers and patients. Its underpinning academic doctoral programme has been established through joint working with the Council for Healthcare Science in Higher Education and workforce commissioners.

You can access all of the HSST curricula in the Curriculum Library.

What if I already have a doctorate or I have undertaken leadership or management programmes?

Higher Education Institutions (HEI) have agreed that there will be a process to recognise prior academic learning (APL) where this is appropriate, although university regulations do not allow research or dissertations submitted previously for a degree to be used in submitting for another.

If you already hold a Ph.D. which is recognised by the School as both timely and relevant to the trainee pathway, you may choose not to undertake the research component of the doctoral programme. However you will then not be eligible to receive the full award of DClinSci but will be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership and Professionalism and a certificate of completion of HSST.

Further information about the approval process for prior PhDs is available.