E-portfolio special considerations


The specialisms listed below were given special consideration including discussions with the Lead Editors as the first year modules have a different underlying rationale or were not accessible due to COVID-19.

  • Clinical Pharmaceutical Science
  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Clinical Bioinformatics (Physical Sciences)
  • Clinical Measurement and Development

Revised for 2024

Clinical Pharmaceutical Science: the first year rotational modules (SPE 200,201,202 and 203) are considered to be foundation levels and the specialism modules (SPE 222, 220, 221 and 223) build on each rotational module respectively. However, it is acknowledged that access to production laboratories has been restricted due to COVID-19. Therefore, it is expected as a minimum 100% completion for each of the following rotational/specialism pairings:

  • SPE200 and SPE 222
  • SPE201 and SPE 220
  • SPE203 and SPE 223

Trainees are encouraged to complete as much of SPE202 and SPE221 as possible, but full completion of these will not be mandatory if not possible due to COVID‑19 disruption.

Clinical Microbiology: the first year modules (SLS 200, 201, 202 and 203) are considered to be foundational modules rather than rotations. All are considered to be essential core knowledge which the later specialist modules build on. As they are core knowledge, access to this training has not been such a problem during COVID-19, and the Professional Body has organised a series of on-line resources to ensure that the more difficult learning outcomes have been available to access. Therefore, these will all be counted as mandatory to complete.

Clinical Bioinformatics (Physical Sciences): there are 2 rotations that have been considered both achievable and core, SBI101 Computing for Clinical Scientists and SBI102 Information and Communications Technology in the Clinical Environment, and these will both be mandatory. Trainees are encouraged to complete as much of the other 2 rotations as possible, but full completion of these will not be mandatory if not possible due to COVID-19 disruption.

Clinical Measurement and Development: there are 2 rotations that have been considered both achievable and core, SBE300 Clinical Measurement and ICT and SPE301 Design Development, and these will both be mandatory. Trainees are strongly encouraged to complete as much of the other 2 rotations as possible, but full completion of these will not be mandatory if evidence can be provided to the Training Officer that they were not possible due to COVID-19 disruption.