What does self-care mean to you?

Here's what some of your fellow trainees thought when we asked them that question.

  • Taking care of my physical health, mental and emotional wellbeing – ensuring that I have time to rest and enjoy myself within my private life as well as work.
  • Looking after your own well-being.
  • Self-care is having good balance with work and personal life.
  • Time for me.
  • Looking after yourself.
  • It’s the practice of protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in especially during periods of stress.
  • I would define self-care to looking after yourself not only physically but emotionally, mentally, and socially. Looking after myself mentally.
  • Taking care of oneself during clinical/scientific practice.
  • Set up virtual chats with other trainees – we are all in the same boat and it’s good to chat and have some ‘face to face’ contact with others who understand your work.
  • Check in with colleagues and other trainees in the department as much as possible.
  • Mix it up – change what you are working on from time to time to keep things interesting.
  • I would define self-care as taking time out for one-self/ break.
  • Self-care for me is taking action or care of my physical and mental health which will then enable me to care, love and give compassion to myself as I do to others.
  • Spending some time on just yourself.
  • Anything we do deliberately with our own wellbeing in mind.
  • It means taking care of my physical, nutritional, emotional, spiritual needs as a whole and find time to relax and have enough sleep on a daily basis.
  • Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually!
  • Eating balanced meals taking enough rest days, doing things that calm you and make you happy!
  • Taking time for yourself. Doing things you enjoy.
  • Make sure you take study days, taking time out of the normal.
  • Prioritising myself. Prioritising my mental health.
  • Set yourself clear goals for what you want to achieve.
  • Keep regular contact with your Training Office/Supervisor and/or mentor to keep them updated on your progress and any issues you’re facing.
  • Taking care of myself to prevent stress such as eating well, mindfulness, exercise, good sleep.
  • Your mental health is important, make sure to keep time for yourself.
  • Taking time to slow down and reconnect relax.
  • Taking time and doing things to ensure your own personal mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social health and wellbeing to enable you to continue to perform, thrive, enjoy, and achieve in life and maintain resilience in the face of challenges and adversity.
  • To put yourself first and treat yourself.
  • Looking after yourself – in all aspects from eating to mental health.
  • Doing something purely for yourself.
  • Looking after your own wellbeing and being able to manage your stresses and find time to do things you enjoy. I need to be well to take care of others.
  • Allocating time to properly take care of yourself whether that be mental or physical.
  • Looking after your own physical and mental health.
  • Acts that improve an individual’s well-being.
  • Being conscious of your own wellbeing.
  • It is bigger than having a long bath or a Netflix day- it is healthy eating, exercise, getting enough sleep, setting boundaries, putting things in place so you don’t feel the need to recharge so often.
  • A bit of pampering a bit of time to reflect on yourself a bit of procrastination of whatever makes you happy and relaxes you and charge you with energy
  • Keep in contact with your cohort of trainees, they will most likely be experiencing the same disruption as you. It’s also nice to keep in touch as some people may be feeling isolated during the pandemic especially if they have relocated.
  • Something you do for yourself to relax and feel better.
  • Relaxing, lush baths, pampering, playing games I enjoy, reading books for fun, going on walks.
  • Doing things that relax me and my mind, that allow me to step out of the challenges of life.
  • This helps me to focus the mind on things I enjoy such as a candle lit bubble bath, a craft or reading with a tea on a rainy day.
  • Personally, self-care is the practice of looking after and prioritising own mental and physical wellbeing.
  • Looking after your mental health and physical health.
  • Caring for others in your community, friends and family can help take the focus or fear off yourself and deflect in a healthy manner.
  • Looking after your own physical and mental health.