What should I do if I'm having problems with the academic part of the programme?
If you are having issues with your academic programme or have any other concerns then the first person to speak to would be your Programme Lead at the university who will advise you and signpost you to the relevant support options.
Additionally, it is very important that any issues you experience are shared with your work place Training Officer/Supervisor so they have a good understanding of how you are progressing overall with your training and not just with your work based activities. Remember that your academic and work based training should complement each other so if you are experiencing issues in either/both it will be important to raise this as early on in the training as possible.
Good communication between the academic and work-based education providers is critical to ensuring you can receive the support you need at the right time so make sure you are open, honest and timely with your feedback.
Personal support is also available at your University
As an enrolled student at the University, you are also entitled to access their student support service. Details of what help and advice is available will be found on the individual University website.
Click on the links below for links to the various Universities for the different programmes.