STP review of progression FAQs

Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions about the STP review of progression.

Where can I find information on the requirements for progression?

Information on STP progression requirements from 2023 onwards is available here.

If you joined the programme prior to 2023 then your progression is monitored via the Midterm Review of Progression available here.

Who does the progression monitoring process apply to?

The new process applies to all trainees who commenced on the STP from September 2023 onwards.

Trainees commencing on earlier programmes will be subject to the previous progression review strategy the Midterm Review of Progression (MRP).

How do I raise a concern about my progress or the progress of my trainee?

Raising a concern about progress can be done at any time by emailing the School at

For the purposes of progression monitoring, trainees and Training Officers will be sent a digital form to complete between 1 and 30 September each year to inform the School of issues impacting on progress.

This form should be completed by exception, i.e, only if there are significant issues that cannot or have not been resolved locally. There is no requirement to complete the form if there are no issues with progress.

How do I complete a review of progress on the e-portfolio?

The e-portfolio contains a feature which we call the review meeting tool. This provides the functionality to record the details of progress review meetings, which can be done at any time and as regularly as trainee and Training Officer find useful.

Watch this short video for guidance on how to use the review meeting tool to record the details of progress review meetings.

In the e-portfolio, the Training Officer is required to set up the review meeting.

For the purposes of the end of year review of progress, trainee and Training Officer must complete an end of year review meeting that is recorded using the review meeting tool on the e-portfolio between 1 to 30 September each year.

I have not received or we have not been able to deliver the training in the order outlined in the curriculum – how will this impact progression monitoring?

We understand that some training centres may not be able to deliver the training in the order the curriculum was designed i.e., working progressively through phase 1, phase 2 and finally phase 3 – also referred to as route 1 or the preferred route. For the end of year 2 only, trainees will still be able to meet the progression targets via the alternative route or route 2 if training delivery has affected the order in which activities can be completed.

Trainees are still expected to complete the phase 1 training activities and work based assessments by end of year 1 so all departments should be supporting delivery of the phase 1 modules in year 1.

Click this link to view the progression requirements.

What will happen if my progression outcome means I need to meet with the School?

If you receive an outcome which indicates that the School would like to discuss your progress further you will be invited to a virtual meeting with one of the School’s Training Programme Directors or other member of School staff depending on the issues affecting your training. Your Training Officer will normally also be invited to participate in this process. The meeting is supportive to explore any barriers in more detail and to offer advice so you can get your training back on track. Some trainees may require more than one meeting if the issues are particularly challenging or complex. This is nothing to worry about and is part of the School’s effort to support you to complete your programme successfully.

You will be expected to participate in these meetings professionally and to be proactive in addressing any issues with the support of your training department.

Click this link for information on support for progression.

What do I do if I think I am not going to meet the progression requirements?

Speak to your Training officer and review your training plan. Identify any gaps and make a plan to address them. Reach out to any other support resources available to you from your employer. Click this link for details of how you can be supported.

Make sure you understand the requirements of the programme so you can prepare for and identify if there are going to be any barriers to meeting the requirements.

How do I prepare for the Schools review of progress?

Make sure you understand the requirements of the programme so you can prepare for and identify if there are going to be any barriers to meeting the requirements.

Read all of the information available on the School’s website including any webinars, podcasts or other resources. Click this link for information on progression.

Read any communications from the School as you receive them – either via email or the School’s monthly memo.

Meet regularly with your Training Officer to discuss the requirements and complete an end of year review on the e-portfolio. Watch this short video for guidance on how to use the review meeting tool to record the details of progress review meetings.

If you are still unsure, contact the School via

Will I be removed from programme if I am unable to meet the progression requirements?

No trainee will be immediately removed from programme following the School’s review of progress. A support process will be followed to understand the barriers, identify objectives and any support or adjustments needed. An agreed review period will be applied to assess progress against objectives and you will be supported on a case by case basis to reflect the unique nature of your individual circumstances.

All education providers (the School, the employer and the University) will be able to offer support and guidance and it is recognised that in many cases, the barriers are outside of your control so every effort will be made to try and support a resolution for you.

If the issues affecting your progress are within your control and you persistently fail to meet the progression requirements or revised objectives following support you will be reported to the commissioner for the training where your continuation on programme may be reviewed/revised or revoked.

You will also still be subject to all of the employer and/or University policies including attendance, conduct, capability and performance as any other employee/student which may run in parallel to any review of continuation on programme by the School.

What support can the School provide for issues affecting progression?

There is a broad range of support available from the School and in all instances, local resolution is usually the most effective and efficient approach so do discuss your concerns or issues with your Training Officer or Head of Department first. Trainees are employees so should be able to access all of the support resources as any other employee within their organisation.

If you think that the issues affecting training will prevent you/your trainee from either meeting the progression requirements or completing the programme then we want to know so we can try to help you.

To understand the scope of the School’s role in training you should review the information available here.

I/my trainee is currently absent from training what does this mean for progression monitoring?

The School will not review the progress of trainees with registered absence such as parental, current long term sickness at the time of review or approved interruption to training via the School’s Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances process.

Trainees who are not actively training during the review period will be followed up separately on their return or at a time that is suitable for their period on programme and that can be facilitated separately by the School.

It is important that the School be made aware of any absence from training beyond 6 weeks or more in advance of the review of progression period.

Trainees should notify the School when they have returned to training so records can be updated and a review of progress triggered if appropriate.

I have not received any communications in relation to progression from the School, what do I do?

If you are not receiving communications from the School this may be because we do not have your latest contact information or because your email provider or organisation is blocking our communications. Ensure that you update the School if you or your Training Officer’s information changes and check that emails are not being sent to spam folders or not being enabled by your IT department. Click this link for information on communications relating to progression.

Last updated on 8th February 2024