The progression requirements

There are targets that trainees must achieve as part of their review of progression.


All trainees will have progression targets to achieve at the end of year 1 and at the end of year 2 of their training. The School will also conduct a 6 month check-in, usually in March of the first year, to establish a baseline of activity and to ensure that the support that is expected to be in place is being provided.

The approach is designed to ensure that trainees continue to build on their skills and knowledge progressively and are in a strong position by the end of year 2 to prepare for their final assessment and complete the programme successfully.


6 month check in – March of year 1

This will be a communication exercise where the School will contact trainees and their Training Officer to outline the recommended activities and support that should be in place in order to support progress and provide a high quality training experience. These will include:

  • employer and departmental inductions
  • university enrolment and induction
  • that supernumerary status is observed for both in-service and direct entry trainees; i.e., no reliance on trainees to deliver service, not included in staffing structures for service delivery, not added to service rotas unless as part of agreed development and adequately supervised
  • that a training plan in place
  • regular supervision including training as well as pastoral support for health and wellbeing or other support/employment matters. (Best practice would be monthly review.)
  • that rotations are arranged/planned/in progress
  • that study time of 20% is supported (not including time to attend academic teaching or assessments) – details, location and timings to be agreed locally between Trainee and Training Officer
  • awareness of all employer HR policies and procedures including wellbeing support and Occupational Health
  • introduction to local trainee networks – both employer if available and regional
  • that the trainee and Training Officer have e-portfolio accounts
  • that trainees have completed Professional Foundations of Healthcare and Clinical Science training activity 1: ‘Set objectives for your personal wellbeing over the course of the Scientist Training Programme’ on the e-portfolio’
  • that annual appraisal is planned (which should include review of progress on the e-portfolio)
  • awareness of and planning for end of year progression requirements

Trainees should discuss these activities with their Training Officer and plan to address any gaps in expected practice or take action if there are any gaps in meeting the expectations/activities described.

If significant issues are identified, trainees and/or Training Officers can contact the School by email at


End of year 1

The School will commence progression reviews for both year 1 and year 2 in October so trainees are expected to have met the requirements no later than 30 September each year.

By the end of year 1 the progress expected will include the following mandatory requirements:

  1. The completion of all work-based assessments for phase 1 rotations on the e-portfolio. Completion means submission and satisfactory sign off following assessment.
  2. The completion of an end of year review meeting between trainee and Training Officer that is recorded using the review meeting tool on the e-portfolio.

Trainees can progress beyond these requirements before the end of year 1 if they wish to do so but their progress will only be assessed against the above targets.

Reporting by exception only

If trainees or Training Officers feel that there are substantive issues which are affecting the trainee’s ability to meet the workplace progression targets, these can be reported to the School. If there are no such issues, there is no requirement for trainees or Training Officers to make any report to the School about progress.

If there are issues affecting the trainee’s ability to complete the academic programme and to pass year 1, the School will seek these from the universities directly.


End of year 2

By the end of year 2 the progress expected will include:

Route 1 – Primary route

Mandatory requirements

  1. Complete all work-based assessments for phase 2 modules on the e-portfolio. Completion means submission and satisfactory sign off following assessment.
  2. Complete 50% of the Professional Foundations of Healthcare and Clinical Science module on the e-portfolio.
  3. The completion of an end of year review meeting between trainee and Training Officer that is recorded using the review meeting tool on the e-portfolio.

Route 2  – Alternative route

Where training sites have not been able to deliver the training within the progressive, phased structure of the curriculum design, an alternative route is available. This route should be accessed only as a result of training delivery so that trainees are not disadvantaged by factors that are outside of their control. Departments are encouraged to deliver the training within the phased structure of the curriculum where possible to optimise the training experience and trainee development.

Mandatory requirements

  1. 60% overall completion of the e-portfolio. Completion means submission and satisfactory sign off following assessment. Achieved through:
    1. 100% completion of the Research Skills in Healthcare Science module.
    2. 50% completion of the Professional Foundations of Healthcare and Clinical Science module on the e-portfolio.
    3. Completion of specialist module content in either phase 2 or phase 3.
  1. The completion of an end of year review meeting between trainee and Training Officer that is recorded using the review meeting tool on the e-portfolio.

Reporting by exception

As with year 1, there will also be a reporting by exception process for both routes, in which the following can be reported:

  1. Issues affecting the ability to complete the academic programme (pass year 2). The School will seek such reports from the universities directly.
  2. If trainees or Training Officers feel that there are substantive issues which are affecting the trainee’s ability to meet the workplace progression targets, these can be reported to the School.

How we will conduct the reviews

At the beginning of October of year 1 and year 2 the School will draw data from the e-portfolio to identify if the requirements have been met. This will be a quantitative analysis of progress as we will be able to identify which components have been completed and if an an end of year review meeting has been conducted between the trainee and Training Officer that is recorded using the review meeting tool on the e-portfolio.

Where no exceptions or issues are submitted either via the university, the trainee or the Training Officer, trainees will be assessed against the criteria and an outcome identified.

Where issues are raised by reports by exception, a qualitative analysis of progress will be conducted so that any issues affecting progress can be taken into account in determining the final outcome of the review. Failure to identify issues affecting progress at this point may impact on any support and/or future adjustments that can be offered to mitigate for the issues being experienced, so it is important that trainees, training departments and universities consider if there are significant barriers to progress that the School should be made aware of.

Trainees will be issued with their outcomes via email, copied to their Training Officers. Any trainee with an outcome which requires further action with the School will be followed up accordingly and invited to a virtual meeting or offered a support call.


Summary of the STP progress monitoring measures


End of year 1 End of year 2 –
Route 1 Primary
End of year 2 –
Route 2 Alternative
Phase 1 rotations complete Phase 2 modules complete 60% overall completion of the e-portfolio including completion of specialist module content in either phase 2 or phase 3
End of year review meeting completed on the e-portfolio 50% Professional Foundations of Healthcare and Clinical Science module on the e-portfolio 50% Professional Foundations of Healthcare and Clinical Science module on the e-portfolio
End of year review meeting completed on the e-portfolio Research Skills in Healthcare Science module complete
End of year review meeting completed on the e-portfolio

By exception

End of year 1 End of year 2 –
Route 1 Primary
End of year 2 –
Route 2 Alternative
University University University
Workplace (Trainee/Training Officer) Workplace (Trainee/Training Officer) Workplace (Trainee/Training Officer)