Information and resources to help current STP trainees during their training.
About your time on the Scientist Training Programme
Everything you need to know about your time on the programme.
Introducing the Scientist Training Programme
The Scientist Training Programme (STP) is a three-year programme of work-based learning, supported by a University accredited master’s degree.
What you can expect on the programme
A quick overview for trainees of each of the three years of the Scientist Training Programme.
NSHCS training standards – trainee responsibilities
Alongside your trainers’ responsibilities, you as the trainee have responsibilities, as you are an active participant in your own learning journey.
Your STP curriculum
Your training programme is made up of a series of modules detailed in the curriculum for your specialty. Your programme combines core, rotation and specialist modules, which can be found in the Curriculum Library.
STP Curriculum FAQs for trainees
Here you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the STP curriculum.
How will I be assessed?
Information about the different types of assessment you will experience while on the STP.
The different methods of assessment
Across its university and work-based components, the STP makes significant assessment demands.
NSHCS work-based assessment standards
The work-based assessment standards define how work-based assessments should be conducted and the responsibilities of trainees, trainers and assessors.
Changes to assessment
Find out more about the changes being introduced to the assessment of trainees on the new STP curricula.
STP progression monitoring
All trainees commencing on the STP from 2023 onwards are subject to a new process to monitor their progress.
About the Midterm Review of Progression
This guidance provides STP trainees with an overview of the Midterm Review of Progression, how and why it is used and what support is available.
Multi-Source Feedback
Trainees are expected to have completed 2 Multi-Source Feedback assessments by the time of completion.
The STP Final Year Assessment
The STP Final Year Assessment
The STP Final Year Assessment aims to ensure that trainees are safe to practise and ready to register as a Clinical Scientist.
Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence (IACC)
Information and guidance about the IACC for trainees who started the programme before 2022 and Clinical Microbiology 2022 trainees.
Key dates for IACC 2025
Important dates and deadlines for trainees who are sitting the IACC in 2025.
Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence
The Independent Assessment of Clinical Competence (IACC) assesses your readiness to practise as a newly qualified, threshold entry Clinical Scientist.
Case-based discussion scenarios for the IACC
Each specialty has 2 example CBD scenarios and example PowerPoint slides showing how the scenario will be viewed during the IACC.
Reflective practice for the IACC
This content, together with the reflective writing webinar, and the IACC guidance will help final year trainees prepare for the reflective writing part of their final assessment.
STP Completion
Information and guidance about what is required to complete the Scientist Training Programme.
STP Completion dates (all years)
Completion deadline dates for trainees on the Scientist Training Programme.
Guidance for trainees and training departments on STP 2025 completion
Information on what is required for trainees exiting the programme in 2025.
STP Completion 2024
Information and guidance for STP trainees and training departments following the 2024 completion pathway.
STP Completion 2023
Information and guidance for STP trainees following the 2023 completion pathway.
Important documents for STP completion (all years)
These are the documents you may need to refer to when completing on the Scientist Training Programme.
Using the Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances policy to apply for an extension of time or change to training
Trainees can apply for an extension of time or change to training via the EEC policy when circumstances affect their ability to continue training.
Training support
Guidance and resources to support you during your training.
Training support
We want you to have the best training experience, but you should also take care of your health and wellbeing.
Trainee networks
Join your regional trainee network and make contact with other STP trainees in your area.
Guidance for trainees about study time
Clarification for trainees on how much protected private study time they are allowed while on their programme.
Guidance about the STP educational training support funding
Useful information for STP trainees and training officers about the educational training support funding.
Training support FAQs for STP trainees
Here are the answers to some finance and personal circumstances questions relevant to STP trainees.
Guidance to help you become familiar with OneFile, your online e-portfolio.
How to guidance and videos for STP/ PTP/ ETP/ ASP trainees using OneFile
Get help with some of the common tasks in OneFile.
OneFile webinar recordings
Watch the latest webinars for trainees, training officers and supervisors, on the different elements of OneFile.
How to use the Turnitin Checker in OneFile – A guide for trainees
Familiarise yourself with the Turnitin feature in OneFile by following this guidance.
A variety of guidance and resources to help you during your time on the Scientist Training Programme.
Good training planning
Here you will find guidance and examples on creating a good training plan for trainees.
Guide to producing good competency evidence
Good competency evidence should show that you understand how to apply your knowledge, skills and experience.
Online learning resources to support training for STP trainees
We've gathered together some online resources to help support your training. Take a look at what's available for your area.
Important documents for STP trainees
We've gathered together documents you made need to refer to whilst on the Scientist Training Programme.