The work-based curriculum


The flexibility to reflect local practice has been embedded in the work-based curriculum. Details of methods, equipment and processes etc. have not been included in the curriculum wherever possible. The curriculum outlines tasks that must be undertaken but does not define how, allowing the task to be completed according to local practice. This also allows the curriculum to evolve with practice as new methods or ways of working are introduced.

The accessibility of training experiences required for this essential skills set was carefully considered to ensure trainees were equipped with the skills they require while enabling the majority of training centres and training consortia to provide all elements of training ‘in house’. Some training centres may require outside support where skills or experiences are not locally available and have been deemed essential. Working with a network of training centres and/or departments can be beneficial to the training experience and may be formalised as a training consortium. Not being able to provide all of the requirements of the curriculum in a single training centre should not be a barrier to hosting a trainee where those requirements can be supported by other departments.



All competencies have been reviewed and revised and the number of competencies has been standardised across all modules. For a 10-credit module there will be 10 competencies (+/-1). Competencies have been developed to ensure that trainees acquire the skills required of a Clinical Scientist by the end of training.

Each competency has a list of considerations which are there to support completion of the competency. The considerations are not exhaustive, exclusive nor directive; it is a starting point for the competency.

Find out more about what good evidence looks like.


Work-based assessments

All work based assessments have been reviewed and revised and the number of assessments standardised across all modules. Trainees will need to complete one DOP (direct observation of practical skills) or OCE (observed clinical event) and one CBD (case-based discussion) in each rotation module and two DOPs or OCEs and two CBDs for each 10-credit specialty module. The numbers and options for assessments for each module are outlined in the Curriculum Library.

For the 2022 curriculum, trainees are asked to prepare one case-based discussion for each assessment. Case-based discussions should focus on the topic area of the associated module to ensure trainees develop their knowledge across the full breadth of the curriculum. Trainees should be supported to develop their knowledge and skill in presenting case-based discussions, including formative opportunities to practice and receive feedback on CBDs.

Feedback forms are available on OneFile to support assessors in providing feedback to trainees undertaking work-based assessments. The forms are currently being reviewed to support feedback for the revised work-based assessments.


Clinical experiences

All clinical experiences have been reviewed and revised. Clinical experiences are observations providing trainees with context on practice and a greater understanding of the application of the specialty. These experiences, often in clinics and patient facing environments, help trainees to appreciate the experiences of the patients whose care they are contributing to. Clinical experiences may help support evidence for competencies and opportunities to meet these experiences should be detailed in your training plan.